Alma Newbould

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Alma Newbould

She Who Must Be Obeyed (Director and Studio Manager)

As co-owner Alma has been a director and studio manager since opening. Like John, she has an extensive background at senior level in a number of blue chip companies and her successful corporate background and experiences are invaluable on our team building events. Having participated in many over the years both her and John know what works, and equally importantly, what doesn’t.
With an uncanny ability to get things done whilst the rest of us are thinking about starting, her range and capacity for work is almost boundless.
Within the many ‘hats’ she wears here at Orchard, she it responsible for the IT infrastructure and for production of the CD covers and cases for all our clients.
Alma, as the font of most knowledge, is able to help with all non-musical issues within the studios. Please though, for all of us, never ever ask her to sing!
